
Scheduled Call with Support Engineer

Scheduled Call with Support Engineer
Scheduled Call with Support Engineer
SKU: Scheduled Support Call
Currently Out of Stock

TWO FULL HOURS of scheduled calling with a Support Engineer
Price: $350.00
Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Product Details

Scheduled Call with Support Engineer is a specific 2 hr. block of time a specific Link Technologies, Inc. Engineer is reserved work on your HelpDesk Support Ticket. 


Many customers use this support option because:

·        Conference calls with multiple or organizations.

·        Changing hardware or configuration: network changes / cutovers.

·        Specific call back time to work on HelpDesk Support Ticket.


Scheduled Call with Support Engineer:

·        Scheduled Calls should be scheduled a minimum of 2 business days in advance of the call.

·        In order to schedule a block of support item with an Engineer the Scheduled must be pre-paid.

·        Scheduled time is billed at $175.00/hr. during regular business hours M-F  9AM - 5PM CST. 

·        After hours support, if engineer is available, will be billed at the regular rate of $220.00/hour.  ** Option for changing this item to an after-hour call below add the "After-Hours Scheduled Time- Add $150.00" additional hours can be purchased

·        Once a call has been scheduled with an engineer, Pre-Paid Support Time is non-refundable, non-transferable and cannot be applied to other services or product.


Please note, purchasing support time through this website does automatically schedule you a support appointment with an Engineer.  You will still need to contact our office, open a Link Techs HelpDesk Support ticket and schedule a specific time with a specific engineer.  To open a ticket please call our office at 314-735-0270 or email support@linktechs.net

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